What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Asteraceae
- Asteraceae Group 1
- Crepis
See list of 7 species in this genusReference: Bogler (2006a).
1a. Cypselas of 2 kinds—those borne near the margin of the capitulum stout, 7–9 mm long, with a short beak and those from the interior of the capitulum slender, 12–17 mm long, and with a long, slender beak
1b. Cypselas ± uniform, 1.4–7.5 mm long
2a. Inner series of involucral bracts glabrous on the adaxial (i.e., inner) surface; cypsela body 1.4–2.5 mm long (up to 4 mm long in the rarely collected C. nicaeensis)
3a. Abaxial surface of the involucral bracts with usually 2 rows of black, stipitate glands; involucre 5–8 (–9) mm tall; cypsela body 1.4–2.5 mm long
3b. Abaxial surface of the involucral bracts glabrous or glabrate; involucre 8–10 mm tall; cypsela body 2.5–4 mm long
2b. Inner series of involucral bracts pubescent on the adaxial (i.e., inner) surface; cypsela body (2.5–) 3–8 (–9) mm long
4a. Capitula with 10–20 florets; involucral bracts coarsely hispid abaxially; cypsela tapered to a short beak 1–2 mm long
4b. Capitula with 30–100 florets; involucral bracts tomentose to hispidulous abaxially, sometimes also with stipitate glands in C. vesicaria; cypsela narrowed to summit of ovary and without a beak or with a prominent beak 2–5 mm long
5a. Cypsela with a slender beak 2–5 mm long; outer involucral bracts (i.e., the smaller ones) reflexed at maturity, sometimes with stipitate glands on the abaxial surface; abaxial surface of rays red
5b. Cypsela narrowed to summit of ovary but without a beak; outer involucral bracts spreading-ascending to erect, usually without stipitate glands on the abaxial surface; rays entirely yellow
6a. Involucre (8–) 10–13 mm tall; cypsela body 4–7.5 mm long, yellow to red-brown, with (10–) 13–20 smooth, longitudinal ribs; pappus 5–7 mm long; stem leaf blades oblanceolate or oblong to spatulate, with plane margins
6b. Involucre 6–9 mm tall; cypsela body (2.5–) 3–4 (–4.5) mm long, red to purple-brown, with 10 minutely scabrous, longitudinal ribs; pappus 4–5 mm long; stem leaf blades linear to lanceolate or oblanceolate, with revolute margins
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