What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Juncaceae
- Juncus
See list of 38 species in this genusReferences: Hämet-Ahti (1980), Brooks and Clemants (2000).
1a. Involucral bract solitary, of similar cross-sectional shape as the stem and appearing to be a continuation of it, therefore, the inflorescence appearing to emerge from the side of the stem (i.e., pseudolateral) [Figs. 146,150]; leaves bladeless, consisting of sheaths only
2a. Stems cespitose; flowers with 3 stamens (or with 6 stamens in the rare introduction J. inflexus)
3a. Capsules red-brown to dark brown, (2.5–) 3–4 mm long; stamens numbering 6 per flower, with filaments 0.8–1.5 mm long and anthers 0.8–1 mm long; stems prominently glaucous in life
3b. Capsules tan to green-tan or brown, 1.5–3.2 mm long; stamens numbering 3 per flower, with filaments 0.5–0.8 mm long and anthers 0.5–0.8 mm long; stems green
4a. Apical portion of stem relatively lustrous, smooth or nearly so below the inflorescence, the (25–) 30–60 longitudinal striations inconspicuous until drying [Fig. 146]; ridges of dried stems capped with dull, low cells
4b. Apical portion of stem relatively dull, evidently ridged below the inflorescence with mostly 10–30 longitudinal grooves [Fig. 150]; ridges of dried stems capped with lustrous, papillose cells
5a. Involucral bract swollen at the base of the inflorescence, sometimes somewhat reflexed in fruit; leaf sheaths with red-brown bases, the upper ones 15–23 cm long; inflorescence compact, mostly 10–25 mm in diameter; stems with 12–30 longitudinal ridges; tepals spreading from the base in fruit
5b. Involucral bract not swollen, erect in fruit; leaf sheaths with dark red-brown to purple-black bases, the upper ones 5–12 cm long; inflorescence relatively open, mostly 15–80 mm in diameter; stems with 10–20 longitudinal ridges [Fig. 150]; tepals ascending or appressed to the capsule in fruit
2b. Stems produced singly or a few together from an elongate rhizome; flowers with 6 stamens
6a. Anthers 3–5 times as long as the filaments; tepals usually with a dark stripe on each side of the midvein [Fig. 143]; stems smooth in life, irregularly wrinkled when dry
6b. Anthers 0.3–0.5 times as long as the filaments; tepals lacking dark stripes; stems finely grooved
1b. Involucral bracts usually 2 or more, differentiated from the stem in some manner, the inflorescence appearing terminal [Fig. 151]; leaves with blades
7a. Flowers occurring singly on pedicels [Fig. 142]; leaves variously flat to terete, never septate; bracteoles present, these a pair of small bracts at the base of the flowers in addition to the pair of bracts at the base of the pedicels
8a. Plants annual with fibrous roots; inflorescence often occupying 33–90% of the total plant height; leaves without auricles
9a. Inner tepals acute to acuminate, exceeding the capsule [Fig. 144]; capsules mostly acute to subacute at apex (rarely truncate); inflorescences relatively open
9b. Inner tepals rounded to acute at the apex, many equaling or shorter than the capsule [Fig. 141]; capsules mostly truncate at apex; inflorescences relatively dense
8b. Plants perennial; inflorescences rarely occupying more than 25% of the total plant height; leaves with auricles
10a. Auricles erose; inflorescence of 1–3 flowers; capsules with a beak up to 0.7 mm long; margins of leaf blades minutely serrulate
10b. Auricles entire; inflorescence with several to many flowers; capsules usually beakless (rarely shortly beaked; e.g., J. gerardii); margins of leaf blades entire
11a. Leaves terete or caniculate; tepals shorter than and appressed to the capsule; capsules 3-locular, the septa meeting in the middle
12a. Seeds with inconspicuous pale tails at each end less than 0.2 mm long; capsules 2.9–3.5 (–4) mm long, brown to dark brown; inner tepals mostly 1.9–3.4 mm long
12b. Seeds with conspicuous, slender, slightly curved pale tails at each end 0.2–0.4 mm long; capsules (3.3–) 3.8–4.7 mm long, golden brown to light brown; inner tepals mostly 3.2–4 mm long
11b. Leaves flat or becoming involute (nearly terete in some J. dichotomus); tepals equal to or longer than the capsule (often shorter in J. compressus), ascending to spreading; capsules partially 3-locular, the septa not meeting in the center or 3-locular in J. gerardii and J. secundus
13a. Leaves not confined to the base of the stem, some borne on the upper ½ of the stem; tepals with a dark-stripe on each side of the midvein, the outer with an obtuse apex; stems produced singly or a few together from elongate rhizomes (varying to subcespitose in J. compressus); plants of saline habitats
14a. Anthers 1.1–1.6 (–1.8) mm long, 2–4 times as long as the filament; capsules usually shorter than to equaling the length of the tepals; primary bract of the inflorescence mostly 1–5 cm long, usually not conspicuously exceeding the inflorescence
14b. Anthers 0.6–1 mm long, 1–2 times as long as the filament; capsules usually exceeding the tepals; primary bract of the inflorescence 2–7.5 (–13) cm long, often conspicuously exceeding the inflorescence
13b. Leaves confined primarily to the lower ⅓ of the stem; tepals lacking dark stripes, the outer acuminate at the apex; stems cespitose; plants of non-saline habitats
15a. Auricles scarious, (1–) 1.5–5 mm long; sheath margin pliable, transparent
16a. Monochasial branches of inflorescence erect to divergent, with crowded to remote flowers, the internodes less than 6 mm long [Fig. 151]; ultimate branches of monochasia 1–2 cm long; tepals (2.8–) 3.5–4.5 mm long; capsules more than 75% of the length of the tepals [Fig. 151]; plants usually shorter than 7 dm
16b. Monochasial branches of inflorescence erect to ascending, often with inwardly curving branches, with widely scattered flowers, the internodes 6 mm or longer [Fig. 142]; ultimate branches of monochasia mostly 3–5 cm long; tepals 2.5–3.5 (–4) mm long; capsules less than 75% of the length of the tepals [Fig. 142]; plants mostly 7–9 dm tall
15b. Auricles scarious to cartilaginous, 0.2–0.6 mm long; sheath margin of firmer texture, often brittle, transparent to opaque
17a. Capsule 3-locular; placentation axile; leaves relatively short, often not exceeding midpoint of stem
17b. Capsules only partially 3-locular, the incomplete septa not meeting in the center; placentation parietal; leaves usually extending past midpoint of stem
18a. Leaves caniculate to nearly terete, rarely flat; inflorescence varying from compact to open and diffuse, usually with 10–35 or more flowers
18b. Leaves flat, though often involute in age or drying; inflorescence usually compact and few-flowered, often with 10 or fewer flowers, rarely more than 15
7b. Flowers borne in glomerules (sometimes solitary in J. pelocarpus and J. subtilis); leaves both terete and septate (except in J. biflorus, J. ensifolius, J. marginatus, and J. stygius); bracteoles absent, flowers subtended by only a pair of bracts at the base of the pedicel
19a. Leaf blades compressed and equitant (i.e., set edge to stem), imperfectly septate (i.e., the septa inconspicuous and not continuous through the blade width)
19b. Leaf blades elliptic to terete in cross-section, septate (imperfectly septate in J. stygius) or flat and non-septate, never equitant
20a. Capsules 5.5–7 (–9) mm long; seeds 2.8–3.5 mm long including the white tails; leaves terete to elliptic in cross-section, imperfectly septate
20b. Capsules 1.5–5.2 mm long; seeds 0.3–1.9 mm long; leaves either flat or both terete and septate
21a. Leaves flat, without septa; capsules subglobose, often with red flecks [Fig. 148]
22a. Widest leaf blades (1.3–) 1.6–2.6 (–3.5) mm wide; anthers (0.2–) 0.3–0.5 (–0.7) mm long, concealed by the tepals; tallest stems (19.2–) 26–44 (–56.8) cm tall; sheath of lowest leaf (17–) 22–38 (–47) mm long; base of stem (0.4–) 2–4.4 (–6) mm thick; inflorescence with (2–) 5–15 (–30) glomerules
22b. Widest leaf blades (2.6–) 3.1–4.5 (–5.4) mm wide; anthers (0.5–) 0.6–1 (–1.3) mm long, exserted beyond tepals; tallest stems (27.2–) 50.8–81.2 (–100.7) cm tall; sheath of lowest leaf (32–) 43–78 (–97) mm long; base of stem (3.4–) 5.8–9.6 (–12) mm thick; inflorescence with 20–100 (–200) glomerules
21b. Leaves terete and septate; capsules mostly obloid to ellipsoid or ovoid, without red flecks
23a. Seeds 0.7–1.9 mm long including the pale tails at each end [Fig. 145], the body of the seed covered with a translucent, pale white veil (note: view at 20 × magnification); flowers usually with 3 stamens
24a. Seeds 1.1–1.9 mm long, each tail 50–80% as long as the seed body [Fig. 145]; glomerules 5- to 50-flowered
24b. Seeds 0.7–1.2 mm long, each tail 10–40% as long as the seed body; glomerules 2- to 10-flowered, rarely with as many as 20 flowers in J. subcaudatus
25a. Outer tepals obtuse to subacute at the apex, soft, with conspicuous scarious margins, 1.8–2.5 mm long; capsules 2.4–3.8 mm long
25b. Outer tepals sharply acute to acuminate, rigid, with narrow scarious margins, 2.1–3.2 mm long; capsules 3–4.8 mm long
26a. Branches of inflorescence erect to strictly ascending; capsules 3.2–4.8 mm long, prominently exserted, extending more than 0.7 mm beyond perianth; glomerules with 2–5 (–7) flowers
26b. Branches of inflorescence widely ascending to spreading; capsules 3–3.8 mm long, weakly to prominently exserted, not exceeding tepals by more than 0.6 (–1.3) mm; glomerules with 2–10 (–20) flowers
23b. Seeds 0.3–0.7 mm long, merely pointed at the ends, the body clear yellow-brown to red-brown; flowers with 3 or 6 stamens
27a. Flowers solitary or paired, sometimes replaced by vegetative bulbils [Fig. 149]
28a. Stems upright; inflorescences many-flowered; outer tepals 1.6–2.3 mm long
28b. Stems creeping or floating; entire plant with only 1–3 flowers; outer tepals (1.8–) 2.2–2.8 mm long
27b. Flowers in glomerules of 2–100, not replaced by bulbils
29a. Leaves dimorphic—those produced by the rhizome submersed and capillary, those produced by the stem emergent and thicker; lowest stem leaf overtopping inflorescence, 3–6 mm thick at midpoint
29b. Leaves monomorphic, none capillary and produced by the rhizome; lowest stem leaf shorter than height of plant, mostly 0.5–3 mm thick
30a. Glomerules spheric or subspheric, comprised of (6–) 10–100 flowers
31a. Inflorescences composed of 24–60 glomerules; inner tepals obtuse to subacute at the apex
31b. Inflorescences composed of 1–23 glomerules; inner tepals acuminate at the apex
32a. Plants cespitose, without elongate rhizomes; tepals lanceolate to narrow-ovate (in part)
32b. Plants not cespitose, the stems produced singly or a few together from elongate rhizomes; tepals subulate
33a. Flowers with usually 3 stamens; capsules included within the perianth, the tips of the valves separate after dehiscence
33b. Flowers with usually 6 stamens; capsules equaling tepals to exserted, the tips of the valves often cohering after dehiscence
34a. Auricles 0.5–1 (–1.7) mm long, cartilaginous, dark yellow; glomerules composed of 6–25 (–30) flowers; inner and outer tepals of ± similar length
34b. Auricles (1–) 2–4 mm long, scarious, pale brown; glomerules composed of 25–100 flowers; inner tepals shorter than outer tepals
30b. Glomerules hemispheric to obconic, comprised of 2–20 flowers
35a. Flowers with usually 3 stamens; plants cespitose; capsules light brown, 1-loculuar
36a. Capsule approximately equal in length to tepals; glomerules composed of 5–20 (or more) flowers (in part)
36b. Capsule evidently exserted beyond tepals; glomerules composed of 2–10 flowers
37a. Capsules 2.8–3.7 (–4.2) mm long, approximately 1.3–1.5 times as long as the tepals
37b. Capsules 4–5.2 mm long, approximately 2 times as long as the tepals
35b. Flowers with usually 6 stamens; plants not cespitose, produced singly or a few together from elongate rhizomes (sometimes subcespitose in J. articulatus); capsules brown to dark brown, imperfectly 3-locular (i.e., the septa not extending all the way to the center)
38b. Capsules acute (seldom obtuse) at apex; inner tepals acute to acuminate at apex; branches of inflorescence widely ascending to spreading
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Each photo represents one species in this genus.