Glossary: F
- Facultative: plant is equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (probability 34%-66%).
- FAC-
- Facultative: plant is equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (probability 34%-66%). Minus sign indicates tendency toward the lower end of the category (less frequently found in wetlands).
- FAC+
- Facultative: plant is equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (probability 34%-66%). Plus sign indicates tendency toward the higher end of the category (more frequently found in wetlands).
- Facultative Upland: plant usually occurs in non-wetlands (probability 67-99%), but occasionally found in wetlands (probability 1%-33%).
- Facultative Upland: plant usually occurs in non-wetlands (probability 67-99%), but occasionally found in wetlands (probability 1%-33%). Minus sign indicates tendency toward the lower end of the category (less frequently found in wetlands).
- Facultative Upland: plant usually occurs in non-wetlands (probability 67-99%), but occasionally found in wetlands (probability 1%-33%). Plus sign indicates tendency toward the higher end of the category (more frequently found in wetlands).
- Facultative Wetland: plant usually occurs in wetlands (probability 67%-99%), but occasionally found in non-wetlands.
- Facultative Wetland: plant usually occurs in wetlands (probability 67%-99%), but occasionally found in wetlands. Minus sign indicates tendency toward the lower end of the category (less frequently found in wetlands).
- Facultative Wetland: plant usually occurs in wetlands (probability 67%-99%), but occasionally found in wetlands. Plus sign indicates tendency toward the higher end of the category (more frequently found in wetlands).
- falcate
- Sickle-shaped.
- false indusium
- A flap of unspecialized tissue, such as an inrolled leaf edge, that covers and protects the sorus of a fern.
- family
- The grouping in a taxonomic hierarchy that encompasses related genera.
- farina
- Inflated hairs that create a mealy coating on a surface.
- farinose
- With a mealy coating.
- fascicle
- Compact cluster.
- fasciculate
- With leaflets or needles in a bundle or compact cluster.
- fenestrate
- With openings or window-like slits.
- fern
- A non-flowering plant that produces spores, which themselves germinate to form sexual plantlets whose offspring in turn become the spore-bearing plant.
- fibrillose
- Separating into fibers (fibrous).
- filament
- The stalk supporting the pollen-bearing structure (anther).
- filiform
- Thread-like.
- fimbriate
- Fringed.
- flabellate
- Fan-shaped.
- fleshy
- Succulent, with a high water content.
- flexuous
- Sinuous, curving alternately in different directions.
- floret
- Small or single flower (flower plus lemma and palea in Poaceae).
- floricane
- Second-year flowering stem of Rubus (compare "primocane").
- floriferous
- Bearing flowers.
- flower
- The reproductive structure of a plant.
- foliaceous
- Leaf-like.
- foliose
- Like a leaf in form or texture.
- follicle
- A dehiscent fruit with a single ovary, that splits along a single seam on one side of the mature carpel to release the seeds.
- forb
- Herbaceous plant usually less than 2 meters (6 feet) tall.
- fork
- A vein that branches.
- fornix
- A scale or appendage in the corolla tube of some Boraginaceae.
- free
- Not fused with another dissimilar structure, such as stamens that are not connected with petals.
- frond
- The leafy part of a fern, including the stipe (petiole) and blade (pinnae).
- fruit
- The mature or ripened ovary and any associated structures that ripen and unite with it.
- funneliform
- Shaped like a flaring tube (funnel).
- furrow
- Longitudinal groove or channel.
- fusiform
- Narrowly tapering at both ends and fat in the middle (spindle-shaped).