What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
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- Dichotomous Key
- Group 9: Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
Group 9: Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
See list of 17 families in this group-
1b. Plants autotrophic, without haustoria, with chlorophyll (without chlorophyll in Pterospora); stems, when present, upright or twining, usually green for some period during the growing season, with foliaceous leaves (scale-like in Bartonia and Pterospora)
2a. Depressed, pulvinate [Fig. 603], evergreen, alpine herbs of elevation exceeding 1000 meters; inflorescence a solitary, peduncled flower (in part)
2b. Plants of various habit, but commonly upright or vining, with deciduous leaves, of lower elevation habitats; inflorescence various, but commonly composed of more than 1 flower
3b. Leaves borne on a stem (all basal in Limosella, Menyanthes, and Primula); calyx and/or corolla evident, at least 1 of which is petaloid, usually 4- or 5-merous
4a. Plants often with milky latex; carpels connate at the summit only, with a common stigma; fruit a pair of follicles
4b. Plants with watery sap; carpels connate throughout or only in the basal portion; fruit an achene, berry, schizocarp, capsule, or pyxis
5a. Leaves with sheathing stipules (i.e., ocreae) [Fig. 793]; pedicels of the flowers subtended by sheathing bracteoles (i.e., ocreolae); perianth mostly monochlamydeous, composed of ± petaloid tepals; fruit an achene (in part)
5b. Leaves without sheathing stipules; pedicels without sheathing bracteoles; perianth dichlamydeous; fruit otherwise
6a. Stems prostrate, emitting at nodes a tuft of 5–10 narrow leaves and 1 or more, 1-flowered peduncles; plants of tidal shores (in part)
6b. Stems upright or vining, the leaves normally 1 or 2 from a node, sometimes more; inflorescence various, usually with more than 1 flower; plants not of tidal shores (of coastal shorelines in Mertensia maritima and Heliotropium)
7a. Plants aquatic, with densely crowded, dissected leaves; inflorescence an umbel or raceme, the peduncle and axis of each individual raceme inflated and hollow, constricted at the nodes and bearing a whorl of flowers [Fig. 806] (in part)
7b. Plants aquatic or terrestrial, the leaves not both densely crowded and dissected; inflorescence without an inflated peduncle and axis
8a. Foliage leaves opposite or whorled
9a. Carpels 2, each carpel lobed, often evidently so, therefore, the gynoecium appearing to be composed of 4 carpels, separating at maturity into 4 half-carpellate segments; fruit a schizocarp; flowers with 4 stamens (5 in Boraginaceae); stems quadrangular (terete or angled in Boraginaceae)
10b. Inflorescence not appearing as a coiled raceme [Figs. 695,700,927]; flowers with 4 stamens; stems quadrangular
11a. Style usually with an inconspicuous stigma; carpels evidently lobed; inflorescence mixed (i.e., thyrsoid), with cymose lateral branches, these usually arranged in dense verticillasters of flowers, ovules attached to lateral partitions and not the carpel margins [Figs. 926,927]; plants with mint-, pennyroyal-, or citrus-scented foliage (in part)
9b. Carpels 1–3, not separating at maturity; fruit a capsule or pyxis; flowers with 4–7 stamens; stems mostly terete or angled
12a. Stamens antepetalous [Fig. 729]; ovary with 1 stigma; placentation free-central (in part)
12b. Stamens antesepalous; ovary usually with a 2- or 3-lobed stigma; placentation parietal or axile
13a. Gynoecium with 3 carpels and 3 stigmas; placentation axile; calyx with scarious intervals between the green, longitudinal ribs (in part)
13b. Gynoecium with 2 carpels and 2 stigmas; placentation parietal; calyx without scarious intervals between longitudinal ribs
14a. Leaf blades entire; capsule dehiscence septicidal; surface of vegetative organs ± glabrous (though the margins sometimes with cilia) (in part)
14b. Leaf blades pinnately lobed; capsule dehiscence loculicidal; surface of at least some vegetative parts pubescent (in part)
8b. Foliage leaves alternate or all basal (appearing opposite in some Solanaceae due to forking of the stem)
15b. Inflorescence otherwise; fruit a capsule, pyxis, or berry (the berry sometimes dry in the Solanaceae)
16a. Flowers with 10 stamens and 5 carpels; stipitate-glandular, mycoparasitic herbs lacking chlorophyll (in part)
16b. Flowers with 4 or 5 stamens and 2 or 3 carpels; autotrophic herbs (except Bartonia), with or without stipitate glands
17a. Leaves reduced to scales on the stem [Fig. 664]; flowers 2.5–4 mm long (in part)
17b. Leaves foliaceous, not scale-like; flowers longer
18b. Plants terrestrial; the leaves neither floating nor with 3 fleshy leaflets
19a. Stamens antepetalous; placentation free-central
20a. Leaves confined to the base of the stem; corolla ± salverform (in part)
19b. Stamens antesepalous; placentation basal, parietal, or axile
21a. Ovary with 4 or 6 ovules; fruit a 4- or 6-seeded capsule; plants climbing or trailing (twining only at the tip in Calystegia spithamaea) (in part)
21b. Ovary usually with more than 6 ovules; fruit usually a many-seeded capsule, berry, or pyxis; plants upright (climbing or trailing in Solanum dulcamara)
22a. Gynoecium composed of 3 carpels (2 in Navarretia); calyx with scarious intervals between the green, longitudinal ribs (calyx of uniform texture in Collomia); fruit a 3-valved capsule (2-valved in Navarretia) (in part)
22b. Gynoecium composed of 2 carpels (3–5 in Nicandra); calyx of ± uniform texture; fruit a berry, 2-valved capsule, or pyxis
23a. Stamens each flanked by a pair of small scales; fruit a loculicidal capsule dehiscing by 2 valves (in part)
23b. Stamens without associated scales; fruit usually a septicidal capsule opening by 2–4 valves, berry, or pyxis
24a. Fruit an unarmed capsule; anthers with 1 locule, opening by a single, transverse, distal slit; inflorescence a raceme or panicle (in part)
24b. Fruit a berry, prickly capsule, or pyxis; anthers with 2 locules, opening by a pair of pores or longitudinal slits; inflorescence of solitary flowers in the axils of leaves or cymose (note: the cymes sometimes appear raceme- or panicle-like) (in part)
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Each photo represents one family in this group.