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See list of 4 species in this genus

Polemonium acutiflorum Willd. was reported from ME and NH by Magee and Ahles (1999), 
 P. cuspidatum was reported from ME by Campbell et al. (1995), and P. occidentale Greene was reported from MA by Knowlton and Deane (1923b), but specimens are unknown.

  • 1a. Corolla shorter than 5 mm; leaves with 5–15 leaflets; plants annual; stems with abundant stipitate-glands
  • 1b. Corolla 10–20 mm long; primary leaves with 11–29 leaflets; plants perennial; stems with few or no stipitate-glands (though eglandular hairs may be present)
    • 2a. Leaflets shortly petiolulate, the petiolules mostly 0.1–1.5 mm long; stamens and style well exserted from corolla [Fig. 782]
    • 2b. Leaflets sessile; stamens and style not or shortly exserted from corolla
      • 3a. Many or all of the pedicels as long as or longer than the calyx at anthesis; larger leaves with 11–17 leaflets; lowest bracteal leaves with 9–11 leaflets, nearly as large as the stem leaves; pedicels puberulent with eglandular hairs; corolla 12–16 mm long
      • 3b. Most of the pedicels shorter than the calyx at anthesis; larger leaves with 19–29 leaflets; lowest bracteal leaves with 3–7 reduced and crowded leaflets, much reduced compared with the stem leaves; pedicels pubescent with glandular hairs; corolla 15–20 mm long

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