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Our ace botanists are here to help you identify wild New England plants and to answer questions about their ecology and conservation. When posting a question, please provide the location, habitat (e.g. river, mountain, woodland), and photographs of the plant.
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Recently answered questions
- Question
- I am having a tough time identifying this one—do you know what it is? Thanks
- Answer
- Yes, the plant is Magnolia virginiana. (Tuesday, 15 November 2022)
- Question
- Could you please help me identify this plant? I am stumped.
- Answer
- That plant in Aronia arbutifolia. (Tuesday, 15 November 2022)
- Question
- I saw a tree recently (see photo)—is this a hemlock?
- Answer
- Yes, it is Eastern Hemlock, Tsuga canadensis. (test: answered at gobotany-dev; answer updated Nov 2022) (Thursday, 18 March 2021)
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