What’s a dichotomous key?
- Group 1Lycophytes, Monilophytes
- Group 2Gymnosperms
- Group 3Monocots
- Group 4Woody angiosperms with opposite or whorled leaves
- Group 5Woody angiosperms with alternate leaves
- Group 6Herbaceous angiosperms with inferior ovaries
- Group 7Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries and zygomorphic flowers
- Group 8Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, and 2 or more distinct carpels
- Group 9Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, connate petals, and a solitary carpel or 2 or more connate carpels
- Group 10Herbaceous angiosperms with superior ovaries, actinomorphic flowers, distinct petals or the petals lacking, and 2 or more connate carpels
- You are here:
- Dichotomous Key
- Orchidaceae
- Platanthera
See list of 16 species in this genusPlatanthera ×vossii Case was reported from MA, ME by Kartesz (1999) based on personal communication with Paul Brown, but specimens are unknown. Brown (2002) resurrected the genus Gymnadeniopsis for species allied to Platanthera clavellata; however, phylogenetic studies to date (e.g., Hapeman and Inoue 1997) show that Gymnadeniopsis is nested within Platanthera and not monophyletic. Therefore, it is not recognized here. Reference: Sheviak (2002b).
1a. Labellum simple, not divided into 3 portions, the margins entire, toothed, or fringed [Figs. 172,175]
2a. Principal leaves all basal, the scapose stems without bracts or with 1–6 minute, bract-like leaves; pollen sacs divergent
3a. Spur 3–8 (–10) mm long; scape with 0 (–1) bract-like leaves; basal leaves 0.8–5 cm wide, oblanceolate to obovate; ovary arcuate
3b. Spur 11–46 mm long [Fig. 175]; scape with 0–6 bract-like leaves; basal leaves 4–22 cm wide, broad-elliptic or broad-obovate to orbicular; ovary straight
4a. Scape with 0 (very rarely 1) bract-like leaves; ovary sessile; flowers green to green-yellow; labellum upcurved; spur tapering to apex
4b. Scape with 1–6 bract-like leaves; ovary on a stipe 5–10 mm long; flowers white to green-white; labellum downward oriented; spur clavate-thickened at apex
5a. Spur mostly 10–26 mm long; pollinaria 3–4.5 (–4.8) mm long; spur length plus twice the pollinarium length less than 38 (note: measurements in mm for calculation)
5b. Spur 28–46 mm long; pollinaria (4.6–) 4.7–6.8 mm long; spur length plus twice the pollinarium length equal to or greater than 38
2b. Principal leaves not confined to the base of the plant, the stems with 1–several leaves; pollen sacs mostly parallel
7a. Flowers white; labellum abruptly widened at the base; distance between anthers greater at apex than at base
7b. Flowers green to white-green or yellow-green; labellum gradually widened at the base; distance between anthers greater at base than at apex
8a. Labellum white-green, 5–12 mm long; anthers nearly parallel or slightly diverging basally, separated apically 0.6–1.5 mm; spur 4–12 mm long, cylindric to slender-clavate; pollinia remaining within anther sacs; flowers with a sweet, pungent scent
8b. Labellum green to yellow-green, 2.5–6 mm long; anthers widely diverging basally, touching near apex or separated by a distance of no more than 0.3 mm; spur 2–5 mm long, clavate or, less commonly, cylindric; pollinia free of anther sacs and/or fragmenting and falling onto stigma (i.e., plants self-pollinating); flowers scentless
6b. Margin of the labellum toothed, erose, or conspicuously fringed [Fig. 172]
9a. Labellum conspicuously fringed, (4–) 8–19 mm long; spur (4–) 10–35 mm long
10a. Flowers white; labellum short-fringed, with most or all marginal fringe segments shorter than width of medial, unfringed portion
10b. Flowers orange to yellow-orange; labellum long-fringed, with marginal fringe segments equal to or longer than width of medial, unfringed portion
11a. Labellum 8–19 mm long; spur 20–35 mm long; orifice of spur keyhole-shaped
11b. Labellum 4–8 mm long; spur 4–10 mm long; orifice of spur triangular to keyhole-shaped
9b. Labellum with basal or apical teeth or lobes, sometimes with crenations or irregular teeth, but definitely not fringed [Fig. 173], 3–7 mm long; spur 4–13 mm long
12a. Labellum without a protuberance, with 3 teeth or very shallow lobes at the apex; stem with 1 principal leaf; spur 7–13 mm long
12b. Labellum with a prominent, erect protuberance, usually with 2 basal teeth [Fig. 173], often crenate or irregularly toothed over the margin; stem with (1–) 2 or 3 (–4) principal leaves; spur 4–8 (–11) mm long
1b. Labellum deeply 3-lobed, with erose or conspicuously fringed margins [Fig. 174]
13a. Flowers green-white, yellow-white, or white (rarely tinged with bronze or rose); margin of the labellum conspicuously long-fringed, with some fringe segments exceeding ½ the length of the lobes of the labellum; labellum with cuneate to broad-cuneate lobes
14a. Labellum green-white or yellow-white, 10–17 mm long, its segments cuneate; sepals 4.5–7 mm long, the lateral ones deflexed behind the labellum; spur 11–23 mm long; lateral petals entire (rarely slightly lacerate-toothed at apex); viscidia linear
14b. Labellum white, 14–22 mm long, its lobes broad-cuneate; sepals 7–13 mm long, the lateral ones merely divergent with the tips curved forward; spur 28–47 mm long; lateral petals lacerate-toothed at apex; viscidia nearly orbicular
13b. Flowers pink to rose-purple (very rarely white); margin of the labellum erose to short-fringed, with fringe segments up to ½ the length of the lobes of the labellum [Fig. 174]; labellum with broad-flabellate lobes
15a. Orifice of spur horizontally rectangular or oblong; rostellum lobes short, rounded, nearly parallel, directed downward; labellum 5–13 mm long; spur 12–22 mm long
15b. Orifice of spur circular [Fig. 174]; rostellum lobes angular, spreading, directed foward; labellum 10–25 mm long; spur 15–35 mm long
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