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2014 Sightings
- December 2
Rhus hirta at 42.36, -72.49389
by Luke Baker -
Pinus strobus at 42.36028, -72.49444
by Luke Baker -
Juniperus virginiana at 42.35722, -72.49639
by Luke Baker -
Quercus palustris at 42.35722, -72.49639
by Luke Baker -
Quercus bicolor at 42.35556, -72.495
by Luke Baker -
Trifolium pratense at 42.36083, -72.49083
by Luke Baker -
Onoclea sensibilis at 42.35722, -72.49639
by Luke Baker -
Tanacetum vulgare at 42.36056, -72.49083
by Luke Baker -
Polystichum acrostichoides at 42.398, -72.522
by Anthony y kim -
Daucus carota at 42.36028, -72.49389
by Luke Baker
- November 27
Acer palmatum at 41.955848, -70.666504
by Bio426student03 -
Hamamelis virginiana at 42.38139, -72.53694
by Bio426student31 -
Pinus strobus at 42.38056, -72.53389
by Bio426student31 -
Quercus rubra at 42.39722, -72.51972
by Bio426student31 -
Fagus grandifolia at 42.38083, -72.53722
by Bio426student31 -
Euonymus alatus at 42.38083, -72.53667
by Bio426student31 -
Frangula alnus at 42.38083, -72.53722
by Bio426student31 -
Rhamnus cathartica at 42.38167, -72.53472
by Bio426student31 -
Fallopia japonica at 42.39722, -72.51972
by Bio426student31 -
Solidago altissima at 42.39722, -72.51917
by Bio426student31 -
Tsuga canadensis at 42.38056, -72.53667
by Bio426student31 -
Typha latifolia at 42.37972, -72.53667
by Bio426student31 -
Polystichum acrostichoides at 42.3975, -72.52083
by Bio426student31 -
Rosa multiflora at 42.39694, -72.51917
by Bio426student31 -
Asclepias syriaca at 42.37972, -72.53667
by Bio426student31 -
Celastrus orbiculatus at 42.39583, -72.51639
by Bio426student31 -
Rhus hirta at 42.39611, -72.51639
by Bio426student31 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.38167, -72.53639
by Bio426student31 -
American elm at Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
sugar maple at Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
Oriental lady's-thumb smartweed at Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
Ligustrum vulgare at 42.360116, -72.521327
by Bio426student27 -
eastern hemlock at South Plain Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
Alliaria petiolata at 41.353807, -72.745611
by Bio426student15 -
American beech at 41.353807, -72.745611
by Bio426student15 -
skunk-cabbage at 41.353807, -72.745611
by Bio426student15
- November 26
Christmas fern at 41.353807, -72.745611
by Bio426student15 -
Kalmia latifolia at 42.35889, -72.52361
by Bio426student17 -
purple loosestrife at 42.37972, -72.53667
by Bio426student08 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 525 South Pleasant Street, Amherst MA, 01002
by Bio426student17 -
Pinus strobus at 525 South Pleasant Street, Amherst MA, 01002
by Bio426student17 -
Picea abies at 525 South Pleasant Street, Amherst MA, 01002
by Bio426student17 -
Asclepias syriaca at 261 Robinson Ave Attleboro, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Sambucus nigra at 42.377228, -72.48596
by Bio426student27 -
Tsuga canadensis at 42.379181, -72.484970
by Bio426student27 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.358768, -72.525507
by Bio426student27 -
Hedera helix at 42.358728, -72.524941
by Bio426student27 -
English-ivy at Aspen avenue, newton ma
by Bio426student26 -
climbing spindle-tree at 42.327, -71.213
by Bio426student26 -
Rosa multiflora at 42.338, -71.204
by Bio426student26 -
eastern white oak at 42.332, -71.211
by Bio426student26 -
Onoclea sensibilis at 42.39639, -72.51861
by Bio426student37 -
blue vervain at 42.39694, -72.52056
by Bio426student37 -
Juncus canadensis at 42.39694, -72.51944
by Bio426student37 -
Asian bittersweet at 42.400, -72.519
by Bio426student26 -
Daucus carota at 42.39722, -72.51944
by Bio426student37 -
Solidago altissima at 42.39722, -72.51944
by Bio426student37 -
Juniperus virginiana at 42.39639, -72.51833
by Bio426student37 -
Gaylussacia baccata at 42.294, -72.485
by Bio426student18 -
Clematis virgniana at 42.39611, -72.51778
by Bio426student37 -
Frangula alnus at 42.387, -72.533
by Bio426student18 -
red maple at South Plain Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
eastern white pine at 42.32694, -71.35444
by Bio426student37 -
common milkweed at 42.38306, -72.52889
by Bio426student37 -
at 42.39694, -72.52028
by Bio426student37 -
Celastrus orbiculatus at 42.375, -72.515
by Bio426student18 -
Setaria pumila at 42.39722, -72.51944
by Bio426student37 -
broad-leaved cat-tail at 42.39694, -72.52056
by Bio426student37 -
Phragmites australis at 42.39694, -72.52056
by Bio426student37 -
northern red oak at South Plain Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
marsh fern at 42.32694, -71.35444
by Bio426student37 -
staghorn sumac at 42.32611, -71.34833
by Bio426student37 -
Pinus strobus at 42.232, -72.611
by Bio426student18 -
American burnweed at 42.32667, -71.34833
by Bio426student37 -
Acer palmatum at South Plain Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
Solidago sempervirens at 41.710, -70.258
by Bio426student18 -
maple-leaved viburnum at South Plain Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
Quercus rubra at 42.337, -72.500
by Bio426student18 -
Daucus carota at 42.387, -72.536
by Bio426student18 -
Rosa rugosa at 41.725, -70.488
by Bio426student18 -
Arctium lappa at 42.391, -72.535
by Bio426student18 -
Typha latifolia at 42.387, -72.536
by Bio426student18 -
Acer rubrum at 42.21888, -70.89783
by Bio426student31 -
Quercus ilicifolia at 42.533, -72.510
by Bio426student18 -
Sassafras albidum at 42.22120, -70.89999
by Bio426student31 -
Echinocystis lobata at 42.354, -72.537
by Bio426student18 -
Fallopia japonica at 42.375, -72.493
by Bio426student18 -
Sassafras albidum at 42.387, -72.537
by Bio426student18 -
Toxicodendron rydbergii at 42.166647, -72.423154
by Bio426student04 -
broad-leaved cat-tail at 42.38028, -72.53667
by Bio426student08
- November 25
evergreen wood fern at 41.353807, -72.745611
by Bio426student15 -
common milkweed at 42.381023, -72.536680
by Bio426student15 -
Acer saccharum at 42.36, -72.52167
by Bio426student17 -
Alnus incana at 525 South Pleasant Street, Amherst MA, 01002
by Bio426student17 -
Persicaria longiseta at 42.3, -72.5875
by Bio426student12 -
Kalmia latifolia at 42.358728, -72.524941
by Bio426student27 -
Lepidium virginicum at 42.373723, -72.533028
by Bio426student27 -
Euonymus alatus at 42.358753, -72.524918
by Bio426student27 -
Ilex opaca at 42.358906, -72.524414
by Bio426student27 -
Polystichum acrostichoides at 42.378948, -72.485891
by Bio426student27 -
Urtica dioica at 42.373476, -72.535200
by Bio426student27 -
Centaurea Xmoncktonii at 42.166957, -72.422956
by Bio426student04 -
fleabane at 42.167391, -72.448300
by Bio426student04 -
red clover at 42.167597, -72.447957
by Bio426student04 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.379281, -72.484958
by Bio426student27 -
wild cucumber at 42.168599, -72.448472
by Bio426student04 -
American pokeweed at 42.167916, -72.447828
by Bio426student04 -
Symphyotrichum racemosum at 42.35889, -72.52278
by Bio426Student14 -
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii at 42.35194, -72.55611
by Bio426Student14 -
Rosa multiflora at 42.388377, -72.538994
by Bio426student04 -
Ligustrum vulgare at 42.35917, -72.5225
by Bio426Student14 -
Ligustrum obtusifolium at 42.35917, -72.5225
by Bio426Student14 -
common burdock at 42.388460, -72.539042
by Bio426student04 -
Acer rubrum at 42.35278, -72.55306
by Bio426Student14 -
Chelidonium majus at 42.359989, -72.522420
by Bio426student27 -
Viburnum at 42.30556, -72.5275
by Bio426Student14 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.35889, -72.51583
by Bio426Student14 -
Rosa palustris at 42.35889, -72.51444
by Bio426Student14 -
Mitchella repens at 42.30583, -72.5275
by Bio426Student14 -
Typha latifolia at 42.384645, -72.536216
by Bio426student04 -
Dendrolycopodium obscurum at 42.30583, -72.5275
by Bio426Student14 -
Fallopia Xbohemica at 42.388131, -72.538312
by Bio426student04 -
Fagus grandifolia at 42.30611, -72.525
by Bio426Student14 -
wild carrot at 42.168976, -72.448885
by Bio426student04 -
Berberis thunbergii at 42.35889, -72.51583
by Bio426Student14 -
Acer saccharinum at 525 South Pleasant Street, Amherst MA, 01002
by Bio426student17 -
Celastrus orbiculatus at 42.35889, -72.52278
by Bio426Student14 -
Hedera helix at 42.35889, -72.52361
by Bio426student17 -
Quercus ilicifolia at 42.04722, -72.33972
by Bio426Student14 -
Asian bittersweet at 42.169548, -72.448445
by Bio426student04 -
Berberis thunbergii at 42.35889, -72.52361
by Bio426student17 -
Picea abies at 42.35889, -72.52306
by Bio426Student14 -
common milkweed at 42.169254, -72.448681
by Bio426student04 -
Rosa multiflora at 42.35889, -72.5225
by Bio426student17 -
black-eyed susan at 42.168292, -72.448155
by Bio426student04 -
Euonymus alatus at 42.35917, -72.52222
by Bio426student17 -
Dendrolycopodium dendroideum at 42.166591, -72.422892
by Bio426student04 -
Tsuga canadensis at 42.35889, -72.52361
by Bio426student17 -
Pinus rigida at 42.0475, -72.34
by Bio426Student14 -
Kalmia latifolia at 42.04639, -72.33972
by Bio426Student14 -
spotted wintergreen at 42.168642, -72.447876
by Bio426student04 -
Ilex opaca at 42.35889, -72.52389
by Bio426Student14 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.168952, -72.448005
by Bio426student04 -
Hamamelis virginiana at 525 South Pleasant Street, Amherst MA, 01002
by Bio426student17 -
Euonymus alatus at 42.35889, -72.52278
by Bio426Student14 -
Hickey's tree-clubmoss at 42.169039, -72.447909
by Bio426student04 -
southern ground-cedar at 42.169198, -72.447791
by Bio426student04 -
Acer platanoides at 42.35917, -72.52444
by Bio426Student14 -
Polystichum acrostichoides at 42.166655, -72.423262
by Bio426student04 -
flat-branched tree-clubmoss at 42.377426, -72.485382
by Bio426student13 -
Rosa multiflora at 42.381, -72.537
by Bio426student20 -
Ligustrum vulgare at 42.393, -72.522
by Bio426student20 -
Acer saccharum at 42.34222, -72.50361
by Bio426student12 -
Ilex verticillata at 42.10667, -71.70194
by Bio426student12 -
Acer rubrum at 42.12778, -71.71611
by Bio426student12 -
Fagus grandifolia at 42.12667, -71.71806
by Bio426student12 -
Polypodium virginianum at 42.0875, -71.71111
by Bio426student12 -
Betula alleghaniensis at 42.12722, -71.71528
by Bio426student12 -
southern ground-cedar at 42.377371, -72.485489
by Bio426student13
- November 24
glossy false buckthorn at Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
northern lady fern at South Plain Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
staghorn sumac at South Plain Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
Symphyotrichum cordifolium at Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
black locust at South Plain Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
winged spindle-tree at Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
eastern white pine at South Plain Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
climbing spindle-tree at South Plain Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
American beech at South Plain Road, Sunderland, Massachusetts
by Bio426student35 -
Fagus sylvatica at 42.37833, -72.53361
by Bio426student20 -
Acer saccharinum at 42.405, -72.535
by Bio426student20 -
Solanum carolinense at 42.39389, -72.52167
by Bio426student20 -
Quercus bicolor at 42.37306, -72.53806
by Bio426student20 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.390, -72.513
by Bio426student26 -
American beech at 42.401, -72.519
by Bio426student26 -
wild cucumber at 42.400, -72.520
by Bio426student26 -
Christmas fern at 42.400, -72.520
by Bio426student26 -
American pokeweed at 42.399, -72.519
by Bio426student26 -
Rhus hirta at 42.36444, -72.55889
by Bio426student20 -
Plantago major at Groff Park
by Bio426student23 -
Viburnum plicatum at Groff Park
by Bio426student23 -
Ilex verticillata at Groff Park
by Bio426student23 -
Trifolium pratense at 10 Stanley St. Amherst, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Sambucus racemosa at 10 Stanley St. Amherst, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Fagus grandifolia at Groff Park
by Bio426student23 -
Tsuga canadensis at 42.34139, -72.48556
by Bio426student12 -
Taxus canadensis at 42.34194, -72.48444
by Bio426student12 -
Athyrium angustum at Groff Park
by Bio426student23 -
Symphyotrichum cordifolium at 42.34222, -72.50361
by Bio426student12 -
Polystichum acrostichoides at 42.34139, -72.48389
by Bio426student12 -
Mitchella repens at 42.33833, -72.48306
by Bio426student12 -
Dendrolycopodium obscurum at 42.33806, -72.48278
by Bio426student12 -
Pinus strobus at 42.33833, -72.48306
by Bio426student12 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.37528, -72.51139
by Bio426student12 -
Catalpa speciosa at 42.34222, -72.50389
by Bio426student12 -
Berberis thunbergii at 42.34222, -72.50361
by Bio426student12 -
Alliaria petiolata at 42.33917, -72.48361
by Bio426student12 -
Pinus strobus at 10 Stanley St. Amherst, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Plantago lanceolata at 10 Stanley St. Amherst, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Acer platanoides at 42.3425, -72.50389
by Bio426student12 -
Dryopteris carthusiana at 42.378583,-72.485414
by Bio426student13 -
Quercus coccinea at 42.394, -72.521
by Bio426student20 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.381, -72.538
by Bio426student20 -
Rubus frondosus at 42.391, -72.518
by Bio426student24 -
Erigeron annuus at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
Chimaphila maculata at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
Typha latifolia at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10
- November 23
Quercus rubra at 42.39333, -72.52139
by Bio426student20 -
Solidago rugosa at 42.39417, -72.52111
by Bio426student20 -
Euonymus atropurpureus at 42.396065, -72.51964
by Bio426student10 -
Solanum dulcamara at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
Polystichum acrostichoides at 42.396065, -72.51964
by Bio426student10 -
eastern hemlock at 42.373, -72.510
by Bio426student26 -
Mitchella repens at 42.396065, -72.51964
by Bio426student10 -
Quercus rubra at 42.396065, -72.51964
by Bio426student10 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.396065, -72.51964
by Bio426student10 -
Hickey's tree-clubmoss at 42.301, -72.530
by Bio426student26 -
partridge-berry at 42.401, -72.521
by Bio426student26 -
Solidago altissima at 42.39389, -72.52111
by Bio426student20 -
Phytolacca americana at 42.39278, -72.52111
by Bio426student20 -
Asclepias syriaca at 42.32806, -72.50167
by Bio426student03 -
Mitchella repens at 42.396065, -72.51964
by Bio426student10 -
Celastrus orbiculatus at 42.39389, -72.52139
by Bio426student20 -
Lycopus uniflorus at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
Persicaria maculosa at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
yellow foxtail at 41.98472, -70.96083
by Bio426student28 -
American pokeweed at 41.98639, -70.95694
by Bio426student28 -
Scorzoneroides autumnalis at 42.38, -72.53639
by Bio426student20 -
Norway maple at 41.98639, -70.95917
by Bio426student28 -
Rosa multiflora at 41.98722, -70.95778
by Bio426student28 -
Dennstaedtia punctilobula at 42.04472, -70.85694
by Bio426student28 -
eastern white pine at 41.98639, -70.95917
by Bio426student28 -
Bidens connata at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
Asian bittersweet at 41.98722, -70.9575
by Bio426student28 -
American beech at 41.98694, -70.95972
by Bio426student28 -
Rhus hirta at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
Asclepias syriaca at 42.37972, -72.53667
by Bio426student20 -
Typha latifolia at 42.37972, -72.53667
by Bio426student20 -
Rosa multiflora at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
Robinia hispida at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
Phytolacca americana at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
Impatiens capensis at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
Mitchella repens at 42.381, -72.538
by Bio426student20 -
Frangula alnus at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
Celastrus orbiculatus at 42.377744, -72.536240
by Bio426student10 -
northern red oak at 42.377, -72.504
by Bio426student24 -
flat-branched tree-clubmoss at 41.864705, -72.429343
by Bio426student15 -
Picea glauca at 42.377, -72.504
by Bio426student24 -
Japanese barberry at 41.354395, -72.746475
by Bio426student15 -
eastern white pine at 41.832624, -72.447242
by Bio426student15
- November 22
Euonymus alatus at 261 Robinson Ave Attleboro, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Spiraea japonica at 261 Robinson Ave Attleboro, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Eastern White Pine at 42.377, -72.504
by Bio426student24 -
smooth winterberry at 42.377, -72.504
by Bio426student24 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.378, -72.504
by Bio426student24 -
Sorbaria sorbifolia at 261 Robinson Ave Attleboro, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Fragaria virginiana at 261 Robinson Ave Attleboro, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Kalmia latifolia at 41.354395, -72.746475
by Bio426student15 -
eastern white pine at 42.396, -72.519
by Bio426student26 -
sweet fern at 42.398, -72.520
by Bio426student26
- November 21
wild carrot at 42.362, -72.490
by Bio426student26 -
Kalmia latifolia at 42.311, -72.514
by Bio426student26
- November 20
Huperzia lucidula at 42.379208, -72.484775
by Bio426student27 -
Rosa multiflora at 42.355320, -72.554245
by Bio426student27
- November 19
Dendrolycopodium obscurum at 42.376701, -72.486098
by Bio426student27 -
Pinus strobus at 42.379241, -72.484680
by Bio426student27 -
Mitchella repens at 42.379634, -72.483960
by Bio426student27 -
Celastrus orbiculatus at 42.333026, -72.523833
by Bio426student27
- November 18
Eupatorium perfoliatum at 42.47159, -71.755786
by Bio426student13 -
Acer rubrum at 42.38, -72.53639
by Bio426student20 -
Dennstaedtia punctilobula at 42.326425, -71.171187
by Bio426student40 -
Quercus alba at 42.326062, -71.173456
by Bio426student40 -
Lactuca canadensis at 42.359229, -72.52273
by Bio426student40 -
Ilex opaca at 42.35917, -72.52333
by Bio426student40 -
Parthenocissus tricuspidata at 42.35889, -72.52417
by Bio426student40 -
Rubus allegheniensis at 42.35833, -72.52556
by Bio426student40 -
Sassafras albidum at 42.323314, -71.173210
by Bio426student40 -
Viburnum acerifolium at 42.322768, -71.173537
by Bio426student40 -
Geranium maculatum at 42.35917, -72.52333
by Bio426student40 -
Euonymus alatus at 42.35944, -72.52222
by Bio426student40
- November 17
Osmunda claytoniana at 42.35861, -72.52444
by Bio426student40 -
Fagus sylvatica at 42.326417, -71.173385
by Bio426student40 -
Ligustrum obtusifolium at 42.35944, -72.52222
by Bio426student40 -
Dioscorea villosa at 42.35833, -72.52583
by Bio426student40 -
Rosa multiflora at 42.35944, -72.52278
by Bio426student40 -
Sorbus aucuparia at 42.324905, -71.174084
by Bio426student40 -
Onoclea sensibilis at 42.326139, -71.170258
by Bio426student40
- November 16
Taxus cuspidata at 42.35867, -72.524706
by Bio426student40 -
Pachysandra terminalis at 42.35917, -72.52333
by Bio426student40 -
Norway maple at 42.375572, -72.502535
by Bio426student13
- November 15
Onoclea sensibilis at 42.361, -72.489
by Anthony y kim -
Rhus hirta at 42.361, -72.490
by Anthony y kim -
Rosa multiflora at 42.360, -72.489
by Anthony y kim -
Typha latifolia at 42.360, -72.489
by Anthony y kim -
Celastrus orbiculatus at 42.360, -72.489
by Anthony y kim -
Phytolacca americana at 42.361, -72.491
by Anthony y kim -
Tsuga canadensis at 42.361, -72.490
by Anthony y kim -
Asclepias syriaca at 42.361, -72.490
by Anthony y kim
- November 14
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.30472, -72.52944
by Bio426student08 -
Pinus strobus at 42.30556, -72.52806
by Bio426student08 -
Kalmia latifolia at 42.30556, -72.52778
by Bio426student08 -
American beech at 42.30583, -72.52778
by Bio426student08 -
northern red oak at 42.30528, -72.52833
by Bio426student08 -
Christmas fern at 42.30444, -72.52917
by Bio426student08
- November 12
Dryopteris intermedia at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Agrimonia striata at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Dryopteris marginalis at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Quercus rubra at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Galium triflorum at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Rosa multiflora at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Pinus strobus at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Tsuga canadensis at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Dendrolycopodium hickeyi at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Polystichum acrostichoides at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Veronica officinalis at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Solidago flexicaulis at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16 -
Kalmia latifolia at 1500 West St, Amherst, MA 01002
by Bio426student16
- November 11
smooth goldenrod at 41.308641, -72.771054
by Bio426student15 -
eastern white pine at 42.476372, -71.762318
by Bio426student13
- November 10
paper birch at 42.476483,-71.762369
by Bio426student13 -
northern red oak at 42.476368,-71.762170
by Bio426student13 -
eastern hemlock at 42.476483,-71.762835
by Bio426student13
- November 8
Euonymus alatus at 42.382690, -72.510517
by Bio426student07
- November 6
Dryopteris carthusiana at 42.382708, -72.509460
by Bio426student07 -
Acer platanoides at 42.382664, -72.510350
by Bio426student07 -
Pinus resinosa at 42.382094, -72.510812
by Bio426student07 -
Asian bittersweet at 42.396103, -72.532881
by Bio426student15 -
Acer saccharum at 42.375495, -72.503673
by Bio426student15
- November 5
Rhus hirta at 42.395711, -72.532681
by Bio426student15 -
Fallopia japonica at 42.395711, -72.532681
by Bio426student15 -
Symphyotrichum cordifolium at 42.30528, -72.52833
by Bio426student08
- November 4
Rosa multiflora at 42.396478, -72.533418
by Bio426student15 -
tall goldenrod at 42.396478, -72.533418
by Bio426student15 -
Polystichum acrostichoides at Bare Mountain South Hadley, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Viburnum acerifolium at 42.39528, -72.52222
by Bio426student01 -
Acer platanoides at 42.391443, -72.515582
by Bio426student01 -
Quercus rubra at 42.39583, -72.52333
by Bio426student01 -
Acer palmatum at 42.39111, -72.51528
by Bio426student01 -
Euonymus alatus at 42.39111, -72.51611
by Bio426student01 -
Tsuga canadensis at 42.39583, -72.52333
by Bio426student01 -
Frangula alnus at 42.39111, -72.51667
by Bio426student01 -
Ailanthus altissima at 42.39083, -72.51694
by Bio426student01 -
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae at 42.39139, -72.535
by Bio426student01 -
Elaeagnus umbellata at 42.39139, -72.53472
by Bio426student01 -
Dryopteris marginalis at 42.39528, -72.52222
by Bio426student01 -
Polystichum acrostichoides at 42.39528, -72.52222
by Bio426student01 -
Ulmus americana at 42.39083, -72.51528
by Bio426student01 -
Solidago juncea at 42.39139, -72.53472
by Bio426student01 -
Rhus hirta at 42.39111, -72.535
by Bio426student01 -
Fagus grandifolia at 42.39528, -72.52222
by Bio426student01 -
Pinus strobus at 42.395601, -72.522894
by Bio426student01 -
European privet at 42,401133, -72.523281
by Bio426student30
- November 3
American beech at 42.400830, -72.518845
by Bio426student30 -
Asclepias syriaca at 42.400648, -72.522160
by Bio426student30 -
Asclepias syriaca at 42.36056, -72.49472
by Luke Baker -
Clematis virginiana at 42.36083, -72.49278
by Luke Baker -
Frangula alnus at 42.36083, -72.49083
by Luke Baker -
Acer saccharinum at 42.36167, -72.49611
by Luke Baker
- November 2
Polystichum acrostichoides at 42.41722, -72.51611
by Bio426student03 -
Polystichum acrostichoides at 42.4175, -72.51611
by Bio426student03 -
Fagus grandifolia at 42.41778, -72.51583
by Bio426student03 -
Lonicera maackii at 42.400791, -72.524335
by Bio426student30 -
Solidago rugosa at 42.35889, -72.51472
by Bio426student03 -
Juniperus communis at 42.35889, -72.51417
by Bio426student03 -
Ilex verticillata at 42.35861, -72.51444
by Bio426student03 -
Rubus occidentalis at 42.41583, -72.5125
by Bio426student03 -
Euonymus fortunei at 42.41583, -72.51444
by Bio426student03 -
Epilobium coloratum at 42.4175, -72.51556
by Bio426student03 -
Kalmia latifolia at 42.4175, -72.51694
by Bio426student03 -
Viburnum acerifolium at 42.41583, -72.5125
by Bio426student03 -
Solidago rugosa at 10 Stanley St. Amherst, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Berberis thunbergii at 42.35889, -72.51583
by Bio426student03 -
Tsuga canadensis at 42.35889, -72.51583
by Bio426student03 -
Frangula alnus at 42.35889, -72.51583
by Bio426student03 -
staghorn sumac at 42.379770,-72.520893
by Bio426student13 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.35889, -72.51583
by Bio426student03 -
Euonymus alatus at 42.35889, -72.51417
by Bio426student03 -
Berberis thunbergii at 42.35889, -72.51611
by Bio426student03
- November 1
Persicaria maculosa at 42.400563, -72.524797
by Bio426student30 -
Norway maple at 42.400807, -72.524252
by Bio426student30 -
Daucus carota at 42.399165, -72.526063
by Bio426student30 -
sensitive fern at 42.399422, -72.526022
by Bio426student30
- October 31
Rosa multiflora at 42.37972, -72.53694
by Bio426student09 -
Cirsium arvense at 42.37972, -72.53667
by Bio426student09 -
Solidago rugosa at 42.22482, -72.32137
by Bio426student09 -
Typha latifolia at 42.38, -72.53639
by Bio426student09 -
Rhus hirta at 42.38, -72.53611
by Bio426student09 -
Ligustrum vulgare at 42.38, -72.53583
by Bio426student09
- October 30
Acer saccharum at Amherst, MA
by Bio426student36 -
Solidago altissima at 42.38, -72.53694
by Bio426student09 -
Acer saccharum at 42.38083, -72.53667
by Bio426student09 -
Fagus grandifolia at 42.38056, -72.53667
by Bio426student09 -
Tsuga canadensis at 42.38028, -72.53694
by Bio426student09 -
Quercus rubra at 42.38028, -72.53667
by Bio426student09 -
Phytolacca americana at 42.38028, -72.53694
by Bio426student09 -
Setaria pumila at 42.38028, -72.53611
by Bio426student09 -
Frangula alnus at 42.38, -72.53556
by Bio426student09 -
Asian bittersweet at 42.38, -72.53583
by Bio426student09 -
Bidens frondosa at 42.38, -72.53639
by Bio426student09 -
Solanum dulcamara at 42.38, -72.53667
by Bio426student09 -
Impatiens capensis at 42.37972, -72.53667
by Bio426student09 -
Lythrum salicaria at 42.37972, -72.53667
by Bio426student09 -
Asclepias syriaca at 42.37972, -72.53667
by Bio426student09
- October 29
Rubus allegheniensis at 42.389, -72.539
by Anthony y kim -
Solidago altissima at 42.389, -72.539
by Anthony y kim -
Erigeron philadelphicus at 42.388, -72.539
by Anthony y kim -
Fallopia japonica at 42.388, -72.538
by Anthony y kim -
Echinocystis lobata at 42.389, -72.539
by Anthony y kim -
Trifolium pratense at 42.389, -72.539
by Anthony y kim -
Taraxacum officinale at 42.389, -72.539
by Anthony y kim -
Centaurea Xmoncktonii at 42.389, -72.539
by Anthony y kim -
Vaccinium corymbosum at 10 Stanley St. Amherst, MA
by Bio426student23 -
Rudbeckia hirta at 42.389, -72.539
by Anthony y kim -
Arctium minus at 42.389, -72.539
by Anthony y kim -
Daucus carota at 42.389, -72.539
by Anthony y kim
- October 27
staghorn sumac at 42.370, -72.570
by Bio426student26
- October 26
American pokeweed at 42.379774,-72.520855
by Bio426student13 -
Betula populifolia at 42.568097, -71.381268
by Bio426student07 -
Phytolacca americana at 42.569194, -71.380963
by Bio426student07 -
Pinus strobus at 42.568950, -71.380983
by Bio426student07 -
Sassafras albidum at 42.631978, -71.384895
by Bio426student07
- October 25
Catalpa bignonioides at 42.568660, -71.380599
by Bio426student07 -
Acer negundo at 42.568842, -71.380784
by Bio426student07 -
Acer saccharum at 42.39056, -72.51694
by Bio426student01
- October 24
broad-leaved cat-tail at 42.371, -72.510
by Bio426student26 -
Diphasiastrum digitatum at 42.300, -72.580
by Bio426student33 -
Sassafras albidum at 42.299, -72.580
by Bio426student33 -
American pokeweed at 42.38028, -72.53694
by Bio426student08
- October 23
Rhus hirta at 42.320, -72.591
by Bio426student33 -
Comptonia peregrina at Leverett, MA
by Bio426student36 -
Onoclea sensibilis at Leverett, MA
by Bio426student36 -
Quercus ilicifolia at Leverett, MA
by Bio426student36
- October 22
Dendrolycopodium obscurum at 42.298, -72.584
by Bio426student33
- October 21
Matteuccia struthiopteris at 42.322, -72.588
by Bio426student33 -
Toxicodendron radicans at 42.321, -72.589
by Bio426student33
- October 20
Pinus strobus at 42.294, -71.302
by mattesaur -
Trifolium repens at 42.294, -71.303
by mattesaur -
Asian bittersweet at 42.400214, -72.525438
by Bio426student30 -
American pokeweed at 42.400636, -72.524925
by Bio426student30 -
Echinocystis lobata at 42.402080, -72.523509
by Bio426student30 -
Swida amomum at 42.321, -72.588
by Bio426student33
- October 19
Castanea dentata at 42.306, -72.528
by Bio426student33 -
Athyrium angustum at 42.321, -72.589
by Bio426student33 -
Ilex verticillata at 42.305, -72.527
by Bio426student33 -
Betula populifolia at 42.488, -72.537
by Bio426student33 -
Polystichum acrostichoides at 42.489, -72.528
by Bio426student33 -
Gaultheria procumbens at 500 Rochdale St, Auburn MA 01501
by Bio426student16 -
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi at 500 Rochdale St, Auburn MA 01501
by Bio426student16 -
Mitchella repens at 500 Rochdale St, Auburn MA 01501
by Bio426student16 -
Vaccinium corymbosum at 500 Rochdale St, Auburn MA 01501
by Bio426student16 -
Dryopteris marginalis at 500 Rochdale St, Auburn MA 01501
by Bio426student16 -
Comptonia peregrina at 500 Rochdale St, Auburn MA 01501
by Bio426student16 -
Pinus rigida at 500 Rochdale St, Auburn MA 01501
by Bio426student16 -
Prunus virginiana at 42.37472, -72.45389
by Bio426student01 -
Dryopteris intermedia at 42.37528, -72.45389
by Bio426student01 -
Betula papyrifera at 42.453814, -72.385118
by Bio426student07
- October 18
one-flowered Indian-pipe at 42.472287, -71.754155
by Bio426student13 -
partridge-berry at 42.471464, -71.754498
by Bio426student13 -
Common Winterberry at 42.471844, -71.756387
by Bio426student13 -
Oriental lady's-thumb smartweed at 42.476590,-71.762332
by Bio426student13 -
Christmas fern at 42.476364, -71.763126
by Bio426student13 -
burning-bush at 42.359, -72.525
by Bio426student24 -
Solidago rugosa at 42.360, -72.524
by Bio426student24 -
Quercus velutina at 42.359, -72.525
by Bio426student24
- October 17
pin cherry at 42.359, -72.525
by Bio426student24 -
early azalea at 42.359, -72.525
by Bio426student24 -
border privet at 42.359, -72.525
by Bio426student24 -
Taxus cuspidata at 42.359, -72.525
by Bio426student24 -
sugar maple at 42.359, -72.525
by Bio426student24 -
Rosa multiflora at 42.360, -72.525
by Bio426student24
- October 16
Acer rubrum at Montague Sand Plains
by Bio426student36 -
Berberis thunbergii at Montague Sand Plains
by Bio426student36 -
Pinus strobus at Montague Sand Plains
by Bio426student36 -
Quercus alba at Montague Sand Plains
by Bio426student36 -
Betula populifolia at Montague Sand Plains
by Bio426student36 -
Quercus velutina at Montague Sand Plain
by Bio426student36 -
Elaeagnus umbellata at 42.40028, -72.52028
by Luke Baker
- October 15
Solidago gigantea at 42.40028, -72.52028
by Luke Baker -
Malus baccata at 42.40028, -72.52028
by Luke Baker -
Galium mollugo at 42.40028, -72.52
by Luke Baker -
Solanum dulcamara at 42.40028, -72.52
by Luke Baker -
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum at 42.40028, -72.52028
by Luke Baker
- October 14
Euonymus europaeus at 42.400792, -72.524540
by Bio426student30 -
Rudbeckia hirta at 42.295, -71.303
by mattesaur -
black walnut at 42.401016, -72.523448
by Bio426student30 -
garlic-mustard at 42.200781, -72.524486
by Bio426student30 -
Japanese knotweed at 42.401330, -72.522372
by Bio426student30 -
autumn-olive at 42.400208, -72.525942
by Bio426student30 -
Oenothera biennis at 42.401373, -72.522680
by Bio426student30 -
Celastrus orbiculatus at 10 Stanley St. Amherst, MA
by Bio426student23
- October 13
marginal wood fern at 42.37840, -72.484443
by Bio426student30 -
Actaea pachypoda at 42.379332, -72.484362
by Bio426student30 -
Oenothera biennis at 42.295, -71.303
by mattesaur -
Japanese barberry at 42.379342, -72.484372
by Bio426student30 -
Tsuga canadensis at 42.386, -72.528
by Bio426student33 -
Rosa multiflora at 42.386, -72.541
by Bio426student33 -
Asclepias syriaca at 42.393, -72.545
by Bio426student33 -
Onoclea sensibilis at 42.379, -72.533
by Bio426student33
- October 12
Phytolacca americana at 42.383, -72.535
by Bio426student33 -
Hamamelis virginiana at 42.307, -72.527
by Bio426student33 -
Maianthemum canadense at 42.299, -72.581
by Bio426student33 -
Dryopteris marginalis at 42.40444, -71.69389
by Bio426student08 -
Frangula alnus at 42.40583, -71.69472
by Bio426student08 -
bracken fern at 42.405, -71.69472
by Bio426student08
- October 10
American witch-hazel at 42.476402,-71.762675
by Bio426student13 -
Acer saccharum at 42.382833, -72.510306
by Bio426student07 -
Pinus rigida at 42.573732, -72.513081
by Bio426student07
- October 9
Betula lenta at 42.573551, -72.513161
by Bio426student07 -
Comptonia peregrina at 42.573689, -72.512689
by Bio426student07 -
Ulmus americana at Springfield, MA
by Bio426student36
- October 7
Gaillardia pulchella at 42.295, -71.303
by mattesaur -
Polygonum buxiforme at Gosnold, MA
by Gemmiferg -
Rhus hirta at Amherst, MA
by Bio426student36 -
Fallopia japonica at Amherst, MA
by Bio426student36
- October 6
Daucus carota at 42.295, -71.304
by mattesaur -
lady's-thumb smartweed at 42.377, -72.486
by Bio426student24 -
whorled bedstraw at 42.377, -72.486
by Bio426student24 -
white campion at 42.378, -72.486
by Bio426student24 -
common milkweed at 42.377, -72.486
by Bio426student24 -
Devil's beggar-ticks at 42.377, -72.486
by Bio426student24
- October 4
Quercus rubra at Holden, MA
by Bio426student36
- October 3
Rhus copallinum at Blueberry Hill WMA, Castleton, VT
by Susan Elliott
- October 2
Laportea canadensis at 42.322366, -72.587914
by Bio426student07 -
Sarracenia purpurea at Hawley, MA
by Bio426student36
- October 1
Pilea pumila at 42.489, -72.524
by Bio426student24 -
Pilea pumila at 42.489289, -72.522167
by Bio426student03
- September 30
Lobelia cardinalis at 42.295, -71.304
by mattesaur -
- September 29
Securigera varia at 42.295, -71.303
by mattesaur -
Cercis canadensis at 42.295, -71.308
by FatoumataBah -
Acer saccharum at 42.295, -71.308
by FatoumataBah
- September 28
Rosa multiflora at 42.375614,-72.502512
by Bio426student13
- September 26
Chamaedaphne calyculata at 42.575751, -72.890775
by Bio426student07
- September 25
Ilex laevigata at 42.575792, -72.890781
by Bio426student07 -
Sarracenia purpurea at 42.575700, -72.890586
by Bio426student07 -
Tsuga canadensis at 42.579318, -72.889709
by Bio426student07
- September 23
Linaria vulgaris at 42.295, -71.303
by mattesaur -
Viburnum wrightii at 42.390, -71.341
by JD_Bush
- September 22
Oxalis dillenii at 42.294, -71.302
by mattesaur -
Smilax herbacea at Rt 3 in Plymouth, New Hampshire
by Rubyslipperish
- September 19
Perilla frutescens at The Meadows, Annapolis, MD
by aliholler -
Strophostyles helvola at 41.479, -72.822
by Squally
- September 18
Symphyotrichum at 42.295, -71.305
by supermarikoparty -
Helenium autumnale at 44.462, -71.127
by marsenault -
Quercus montana at Mount Holyoke Range
by Bio426student36 -
Jack-in-the-pulpit at Wakefield, Rhode Island
by DianeD1946
- September 17
Chelone glabra at 42.314, -71.308
by Alden Griffith
- September 14
common St. John's-wort at 42.294, -71.310
by Maria Acosta -
Myosotis sylvatica at Wellesley College
by Tania Ahmed
- September 12
spotted touch-me-not at 42.290, -71.306
by Maria Acosta -
Impatiens capensis at 42.294, -71.304
by mattesaur
- September 11
Oenothera biennis at Wellesley College
by Tania Ahmed -
Myosotis arvensis at 42.295, -71.304
by mattesaur -
Hamamelis virginiana at Mount Holyoke Range
by Bio426student36
- September 10
spotted touch-me-not at 417 height of land Grafton nh
by Dianebelback -
at Garden in the Woods, Framingham
by Tania Ahmed
- September 9
- September 4
Prunella vulgaris at 42.295, -71.305
by mattesaur
- August 28
Epilobium leptophyllum at Harrington, Maine
by Thokozile
- August 26
Eutrochium maculatum at Windham, NH
by tracyd123
- August 20
black-eyed susan at 417 height of land Grafton nh
by Dianebelback
- August 19
common ground-nut at 43.360, -72.173
by Tiffanie
- August 12
Gentiana andrewsii at North Beach Park, Waukegan, Il
by MishaWarner
- August 7
Tilia cordata at 44.802, -72.210
by Andrée Reno Sanborn
- August 5
Vitis at 1203 Willoughby Lake Road, Barton, VT 05822
by Andrée Reno Sanborn
- August 3
common lowbush blueberry at 417 height of land Grafton nh
by Dianebelback -
Mimulus ringens at 42.27056, -71.9825
by Ellen Sousa/THB Farm
- August 2
black huckleberry at 417 height of land Grafton nh
by Dianebelback
- July 24
Platanthera clavellata at Middleton, NH
by hikethesummits
- July 21
Eubotrys racemosa at Grassy Pond, Acton
by RussellStafford
- July 19
- July 18
- July 17
Sorghastrum nutans at North Beach Park, Waukegan, Il
by MishaWarner -
Carex waponahkikensis at 44.72140, -67.45351
by Thokozile
- July 14
Cynanchum louiseae at Southbury, CT
by earthrhythms
- July 9
trailing-arbutus at East Falmouth, MA
by ChuxPix65 -
wood anemone at East Falmouth, MA
by ChuxPix65 -
Decodon verticillatus at East Falmouth, MA
by ChuxPix65
- July 7
cinnamon fern at 417 height of land Grafton nh
by Dianebelback -
Ampelopsis glandulosa at Southbury, CT
by earthrhythms
- July 5
- June 29
Baptisia tinctoria at Hyde Park, MA
by meridione -
Rhododendron viscosum at Hyde Park, MA
by meridione
- June 24
Rosa rugosa at 41.926680, -70.539946
by Bio426student03
- June 21
Iris versicolor at 42.358312, -72.497663
by Bio426student03
- June 13
Iris prismatica at 41.378, -71.581
by alex.graeff -
Comandra umbellata at 41.39444, -71.58917
by alex.graeff -
Tradescantia ohiensis at 44.960, -92.321
by alex.graeff
- June 7
Hesperis matronalis at Hyde Park, MA
by meridione -
Sisyrinchium angustifolium at Hyde Park, MA
by meridione
- May 29
pink lady's-slipper at Pelham Hill Road, Shutesbury MA
by warblersong
- May 26
Capnoides sempervirens at Hyde Park, MA
by meridione
- May 25
Clintonia borealis at 42.426, -72.415
by warblersong
- May 15
Amerian trout-lily at 417 height of land road, Grafton nh
by Dianebelback
- May 6
Amerian trout-lily at 417 height of land Grafton nh
by Dianebelback
- May 4
- May 3
- April 3
Petasites hybridus at 42.307, -71.120
by sicloot
- January 1
Jack-in-the-pulpit at Grafton nh
by Dianebelback