Family: Asteraceae — aster family
Most members of the aster family in New England are annual or perennial herbs. They have a unique type of inflorescence consisting of many tiny flowers aggregated together in a flower head (a capitulum) that forms a false "flower." The individual flowers can be one of several types. The most common types of flowers are ray flowers (which are zygomorphic) and disk flowers (which are actinomorphic); different species may have one type or the other or both kinds in the same flower head. The base of a flower head is subtended by a number of bracts (called involucral bracts) that collectively form an involucre. Individual flowers within the flower head may have pollen-bearing or ovule-bearing parts, or both. The sepals, attached near the summit of the ovary, frequently look like bristles or scales, and collectively are called the pappus. The ovary is comprised of 2 united carpels that usually have styles cleft in 2. The stamens are attached to the petals and usually have long anthers united into a tube. The fruit is a specialized type of achene called a cypsela.
This family’s genera in New England
- Acanthospermum
- Achillea
- Ageratina
- Ageratum
- Amberboa
- Ambrosia
- Anaphalis
- Antennaria
- Anthemis
- Arctanthemum
- Arctium
- Arctotis
- Arnica
- Arnoseris
- Artemisia
- Aster
- Baccharis
- Balsamita
- Bellis
- Bidens
- Boltonia
- Calendula
- Callistephus
- Calotis
- Carduus
- Carthamus
- Centaurea
- Centipeda
- Chaenactis
- Chrysanthemum
- Chrysopsis
- Cichorium
- Cirsium
- Coreopsis
- Cosmos
- Cota
- Cotula
- Crepis
- Crupina
- Cyclachaena
- Deinandra
- Dittrichia
- Doellingeria
- Doronicum
- Dyssodia
- Echinacea
- Echinops
- Eclipta
- Erechtites
- Erigeron
- Euchiton
- Eupatorium
- Eurybia
- Euthamia
- Eutrochium
- Filago
- Flaveria
- Gaillardia
- Galinsoga
- Gamochaeta
- Glebionis
- Gnaphalium
- Grindelia
- Guizotia
- Helenium
- Helianthus
- Heliomeris
- Heliopsis
- Helminthotheca
- Heterosperma
- Heterotheca
- Hieracium
- Hymenoxys
- Hypochaeris
- Inula
- Ionactis
- Iva
- Jacobaea
- Krigia
- Lactuca
- Lapsana
- Lasthenia
- Layia
- Leontodon
- Leucanthemella
- Leucanthemum
- Liatris
- Logfia
- Madia
- Matricaria
- Microseris
- Mikania
- Mulgedium
- Mycelis
- Nabalus
- Nipponanthemum
- Oclemena
- Oligoneuron
- Omalotheca
- Onopordum
- Packera
- Palafoxia
- Parthenium
- Perezia
- Petasites
- Picris
- Pityopsis
- Pluchea
- Polymnia
- Pseudognaphalium
- Ratibida
- Rudbeckia
- Santolina
- Schkuhria
- Sclerolepis
- Scorzoneroides
- Senecio
- Sericocarpus
- Sigesbeckia
- Silphium
- Silybum
- Solidago
- Sonchus
- Symphyotrichum
- Tagetes
- Tanacetum
- Taraxacum
- Thymophylla
- Tragopogon
- Tripleurospermum
- Tussilago
- Verbesina
- Vernonia
- Xanthium
- Xerochrysum
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